The excuse they give is that it would be too hard and too complicated to implement mapping across protocols and device types. Plenty of people have asked for it, but HomeSeer doesn't seem interested in either doing it, or giving a straight answer about why. Why isn't a capability like this built into HomeSeer? Good question. That said, it'd be very easy to write a little script that would trigger on status change of devices and echo the command the echo would simply be delayed until the next polling interval for most Z-Wave devices, since that's the first time HomeSeer would know anything changed. Simply operating the local control on an X-10 device will not generally do this, since most will not transmit when operated locally.ĭoing this the other way around (Z-Wave to X-10) would be harder since not all Z-Wave devices will notify HomeSeer when they've been changed, whether locally or remotely, and since the Z-Wave USB interface won't tell HomeSeer when someone has used a remote control to operate a device. but it could also be other devices putting X-10 onto the powerline (such as PowerFlashes) and this being picked up by your CM11A, Ocelot, etc. working through an MR26A, TM751, W800, etc. This depends on you receiving X-10 commands into HomeSeer in some way usually that's a PalmPad, keychain remote, sticky-switch, motion sensor, etc. Maybe someday I'll write an actual script to do that it would only be a few lines long. Limitations: This will work for on and off, but not quite for dim that requires a tiny bit more smarts, but more than will fit in a one-liner. For instance, to use a PalmPad set on housecode D to control Z-Wave (or indeed, any) devices on housecode R, make the event trigger be housecode D, and change the "q" to "r". &hs.ExecX10 "q" & mid(hs.StringItem(hs.LastX10,2," "),2), hs.StringItem(" on off dim",hs.StringItem(hs.LastX10,3," ")," ")Ĭhange the q in the latter to whatever housecode you want to control. If the devices are on different housecodes:
If the devices are on the same housecode: The action is a script command, as follows: For the unitcode, choose Any, and for the command, choose Any. Select the housecode that the X-10 devices are on.
Solution: Create a single event in HomeSeer. Or, you have both X-10 and Z-Wave devices on the same devicecodes (or on the different housecodes but the same unitcodes), and you want to ensure that if you turn on the X-10 one from a PalmPad, the Z-Wave one comes on as well. Situation: You want to use an X-10 PalmPad and your existing X-10 interface on your HomeSeer system to control Z-Wave devices.